Sent 1:26 PM, August 23, 2021
Chairman Cantrell,
Along with one of your constituents, I attended the Special Study Committee on Innovative Ways to Maximize Global Talent meeting at Georgia Piedmont Technical College last week. I am of the opinion that your committee is getting not only an incomplete and inaccurate education, but one that is decidedly one-sided. It seems to be openly agenda-driven. Many Georgians, including this one, assume that a legislative committee such as yours would strive to include educated voices that may vary in sources of facts on immigration in general but certainly on what may be regarded as “barriers” to economic participation of foreign born residents.
What we saw at your first meeting was corporate-funded activist groups that present the term “immigrant” as applying to the millions who have joined the American family according to American laws as well as the millions who are present in the U.S. and Georgia in violation of our very liberal laws.
This is a base insult to the trusting immigrants who are watching your committee process.
As someone who has assisted state legislators with the research, drafting, and presentation of immigration related legislation under the Gold Dome since 2005, I am well-versed in the intent and need of existing laws that may be confused with “out-dated” barriers to insuring foreign nationals are able to contribute to the Georgia economy. For your education, I link a reference to an Associated Press profile that will help you validate my experience and involvement (HB 87, 2011) and another one from a 2013 front page New York Times profile.
If it helps you make a decision on allowing me to educate your committee and the public, my adopted sister is an immigrant as are several of the members of the board of advisors on the Dustin Inman Society of which I am president and founder. We defend immigrants from shameless intentional context association with illegal aliens.
I am writing with my formal request to be included as a pro-American immigration authority in either one or both of your upcoming study committee meetings.
I would be grateful for a reply.
D.A. King
Marietta, GA.
I support the police.
All lives matter.
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