Updated with response from Mark D’Alessio, TCSG Communications Director (note: I have added links to various documents to educate the reader).
The below media request was sent at 11:04 AM July 8, 2024 to various officials and staff at TCSG
mdalessio@tcsg.edu, bsims@tcsg.edu, gdozier@tcsg.edu, jmckoon@tcsg.edu, tharris@tcsg.edu , kkirchler@tcsg.edu , mdollar@tcsg.edu , mpeevy@tcsg.edu
To whom it may concern at TCSG,
I am writing an educational opinion column focused on the change instituted by lines 197 – 201 inSB 497 as passed in the 2024 legislative session to the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAPs) operated by TCSG as part of the newly renamed HDAP. Line 201 adds “Apprenticeships” to the list of public benefits in OCGA 50-36-1 (“Verification of Lawful Presence Within the United States”). I have been working with OCGA 50-36-1 since it was created in 2006. Generally, this addition to the law creates a mandate for applicants for the public benefit of “Apprenticeships” to complete and submit applications, affidavits and “Secure and Verifiable ID” while making TCSG responsible to collecting the documents and being registered with the federal SAVE program as a way of verifying eligibility of the applicant in the administration process.

Willful violation of the code section by an agency head can be prosecuted as a high and aggravated misdemeanor.
I did extensive research with assistance from your office in December 2023 and January 2024 on the apprenticeship program and am all but certain that I was informed the TCSG did not require an application for a prospective apprentice as that was done at the federal level. I assume the new law has changed that scenario and that there is now an application process in place in Georgia. I note that the USDOL apprentice application does not require an SSN.
In addition to this request for comment I am submitting an open records request today to TCSG asking for a copy of any application needed to satisfy the new requirement and copies of any documents that have been processed for prospective participants in the apprenticeship program since the law became effective on July 1. My ORR will include a request for copies of applications for participation in the apprenticeship benefit by apprentices themselves, and also employers and sponsors who desire to send employees to be “unskilled” at taxpayer expense and become beneficiaries of state funding to create and expand Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs).
Supra.com has reported that “through RAPs, employers can access support to train skilled workers and meet their workforce needs. Currently, Georgia has more than 10,000 apprentices in RAPs.”
I am also interested in educating readers on the inclusion of H1-B workers in the RAP. Please note that I was assured by TCSG staff earlier this year that “undocumented immigrants” can participate in the RAP and by another staffer that H1-B workers were apprenticeship beneficiaries.
To insure a fair, balanced and accurate write up of TCSG’s adherence to the law and to explain the changes made by the TCSG staff to accommodate the new mandate, I would welcome any input, comment, explanation and description of any newly instituted administrative practices by TCSG in this regard from your office.
I will likely have additional questions on details as follow-up. I would be grateful for your input in my effort to educate readers that includes many Georgia legislators.
I not only write on my own blog (ImmigrationPoliticsGA.com), but also at James Magazine Online, various Georgia newspapers, Breitbart News and The Federalist.
Please contact me with any questions. I look forward to your input. My deadline is Noon, Friday, July 12, 2024.
Thank you for your consideration.
D.A. King
Response received from TCSG’s Mark D’Allessio (Executive Director Office of Communications, TCSG) on July 11, 2024 at 2:18 PM
“Hi Mr. King
To administer S.B. 497 the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG), Office of Workforce Development (OWD) anticipates carrying out the following procedure in reference to the requirements of O.C.G.A § 50-36-1. We anticipate that this procedure will be included in the High Demand Apprenticeship Program Policy and Procedures document reviewed and approved by the TCSG Board at a later date, but prior to the start of the application period.
For an employer to be eligible for a contract to be executed with TCSG, the employer must submit to OWD the following required documents:
- Signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Agreement
- Supplier Change Request (SCR)/Vendor Management form
- IRS Form W-9
- Employment & Training Administration (ETA) Form 671 (for apprentice)
- Wage Verification Form (for apprentice)
The following process would be completed by the individual apprentice:
Federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program
In accordance with Georgia law (O.C.G.A § 50-36-1), the Office of Workforce Development will require apprentices whose employer receive funds from the High Demand Apprenticeship Program to provide the following documents as verification of lawful presence in the U.S:
At least one (1) Secure and Verifiable document (for apprentice)
o Driver’s License/State ID
o U.S. Passport
o Military ID
o U.S. Permanent Resident Card (Green card), etc.
Signed Verification of Eligibility for Public Benefit Affidavit w/ One of the Three Categories Selected (for apprentice)
o U.S. Citizen
o Legal permanent resident of the U.S
o Qualified Alien or Non-immigrant under the Federal Immigration & Nationality Act
Applicants who identify themselves as Qualified Aliens/Non-immigrants on the affidavit must be verified through the federal Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements program (SAVE).
The contract award agreement will be issued to the employer contingent on the documents being submitted to TCSG and successfully passing SAVE verification. Any apprentice that fails to provide documentation or fails to pass verification will be ineligible to participate in the HDAP.
Once the contract agreement has been finalized and all apprentices have been verified, the employer is permitted to participate in the HDAP and receive associated funding per the contract agreement award terms and conditions.
Thank you
Mark D’Alessio
Executive Director
Office of Communications
O: 404.679.1617 | C: 770.545.7545
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