Our friend Mark Krikorian at the Center for Immigration Studies explains the latest open borders gambit from the Biden Regime in a short piece on the National Review Corner yesterday. We advise that you read it.
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The White House Does, in Fact, Have a Post–Title 42 Plan
March 31, 2022

Mark writes:
‘What that means is that the White House plan for dealing with the surge of new illegal immigration — which will come on top of the existing historic surge of illegal immigration – is not to halt the surge but to launder it by granting asylum immediately to virtually all those who jump the border. The goal is to “process” hundreds of thousands of border jumpers in an “efficient and fair” manner so that they’re no longer illegal aliens. Once they’ve been re-christened as asylees (and thus on a path to citizenship), there are no more messy questions about whether they’ll show up for court and whether they’ll leave when they lose their asylum claim (as most currently do).”
Read the entire piece here.
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