Georgia’s “unauthorized population” is 380,000 according to the liberal AJC in a front page July weeper (‘Pandemic brings more hardships for Georgia’s unauthorized immigrants’ ) the hard copy headline was “Many unauthorized residents risk eviction. It was the usual Victims R-Us, boiler plate goop about an illegal alien who lost the job she scored illegally (with a fake or stolen SSN) and now her family fears eviction because they cannot get unemployment, yada-yada.
The woman, who doesn’t speak English fluently, is from Mexico. She requested anonymity because she lacks legal status to be in this country. Since losing her job during the pandemic, she’s gotten financial help from a church and a grant from the Latin American Association of Atlanta(LAA), but the aid hasn’t been nearly enough to cover all the rent her family owes.
AJC senior editors
Read it if you want. Don’t worry if you don’t have time. There will be more in the AJC pipeline.
The story came complete with added info in an insert on the state’s “unauthorized population” and “Industries in which they work.” We had to smile at the inventiveness of the AJC editors in their endless agenda-push. As you can see in the photo of the insert below, the AJC is telling readers that 30% of the victims of borders work in construction. Another 15% work in the very wide category of “Professional, management, administrative and…waste management services.”
Photo: AJCJuly 24, 2021 page A-1.
I am pals with the crew the picks up our trash here at El Rancho King every week. I look forward to telling them the AJC editors put them in the same general occupational category as doctors and lawyers. Too funny.
Anyway, in the following Sunday (August 1, 2021) edition – next to an opinion piece “Findings detail government roots of racist housing rules” – the AJC filled a space at the bottom of the Metro section with another insert again alerting readers to their contrived occupational breakdown of the blackmarket labor – but this time the label for the illegal aliens is “unauthorized workers in Georgia.”
Apparently, in one week all illegal aliens in the state became workers. Even the kids and housewives?
Photo: AJC, front page, Metro section, Sunday, August 1, 2021.
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