The below open records request was sent today at 1143AM to Ms. Janet Hyde in Carrol County.
Ms. Hyde,
Thank you for you timely response to my pervious request for public records.
This is a new one.
Please send me copies of documents and or electronic records that reflect Carroll County Community Development Dept. notice to applicants for public benefits (including occupational tax certificates/business licenses) of the requirement in OCGA 50-36-1 to submit Secure and Verifiable documents described in OCGA 50-36-2 when applying for benefits.
Please send me copies of all documents and electronic records submitted by the ten (10) most recent successful applicants for new (not renewals) for processing and issuance of occupational certificates/business licenses, which should include the secure and verifiable documents listed in OCGA 50-36-2 required under provisions of OCGA 50-36-1. I understand that some redaction may be required on any ID submitted.
For clarity and to save you time, put another way, I am looking for copies of county documents informing applicants of the above requirements and the redacted Secure and Verifiable ID submitted.
Please call me with any questions.
Thank you,
D.A. King
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