The below originally ran on the subscription Insider Advantage Georgia website, October 15, 2021. It is reposted here with permission.
Many thanks to InsiderAdvantage for your recent profile on Rep. Bee Nguyen (Nguyen among a crowded field in Secretary of State’s race). I found it quite informative and provided useful insight into her background. It is vitally important to get an idea of the beliefs and priorities of a potential constitutional office holder.
I would like to add information on Nguyen’s position regarding at least one aspect of illegal immigration that most voters will find relevant in their decision process on selecting a candidate for next year’s Secretary of State race. Including at our pro-enforcement house, she is unlikely to find support from anyone who wants to make Georgia unattractive to illegal immigration and voter fraud.
Nguyen is the sponsor of HB 833 also known as the “Freedom to Drive Act” which would reward illegal aliens who don’t already have a Georgia driver’s license and or state ID Card with a “Driving Card” and/or an official ID card. The official permission to drive and use state ID would apply to virtually all the estimated 400,000 illegal aliens in Georgia as well as any of the hordes of illegal aliens who have been welcomed into the U.S. by the Biden administration and who have Georgia on their mind as a homestead destination.
The 20,000 illegal aliens living in Georgia who are recipients of the Obama era DACA status already have access to the exact same driver’s license the Department of Drivers Services issues to legal immigrants and guest workers here with legal visas.
The official nod for “undocumented workers” to drive lawfully would extend to commercial operations as well.

Dustin Inman Society President D.A. King has warned about this legislation and provided background on the failed attempt by Tennessee to provide security or transparency in almost an identical concept in 2004. “Tennessee ended that adventure after two years and a federal investigation that exposed the extreme level of fraud, bribery and the fact that illegal aliens from other states were flocking to Tennessee to get ‘documented’ Georgia is already home to more illegal aliens than Arizona. Most of us don’t want to make it easier for them to vote,” wrote King.
I join him in noting that “in Bee Nguyen’s proposed change to state law, documents used by illegal aliens on the application for ID and driving credentials could not be used for a state criminal investigation unless there was an order by a federal judge. That includes the application itself.” There is more.
Conservative voters may believe this legislation is far too extreme to be taken seriously by leaders under the Gold Dome. I respectfully urge those who would dismiss the possibility of passage in the GOP-controlled legislature to consider the power of the special interest groups who will push behind the scenes for passage in the name of a “mobile workforce” and “Number One for Business…”
Would Gov. Brian Kemp sign such a bill if it did pass?
Inger Eberhart
Board member, The Dustin Inman Society
Canton, GA.
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