We will not argue that the USA and Georgia would have a larger economy if we had open borders. It’s just that we love our nation more than profits.
Illegal aliens who demand the same driving privileges as U.S. citizens should migrate to California – the illegal immigration Capital of the world.
The anti-enforcement Georgia Budget and Policy Institute is now openly pushing the idea of granting Georgia drivers licenses to illegal aliens, even illegals outside of the Obama DACA program who have been getting drivers licecses and ID Cards in the Peach State since 2012. Doubters should read about that from the Associated Press.
“Green-Light Georgia Driver’s Licenses for All Immigrants” goes the headline on the GBPI website promoting the same worn open borders talking points that the illegal alien lobby has stuck to for decades. It’s “anti-racist.”
*Expanded access to a driver’s card promotes family unity and enhances road safety.
*GBPI projects that approximately 165,000 Georgia immigrants could benefit from expanded access to driving privileges.
*During the first three years of implementation, the state could gain almost $17 million in revenue from driver’s card fees, motor fuel taxes, vehicle registration, vehicle title and standard license plate fees.
GBPI joined in the now successful effort to remove the life-saving 287(g) program from Cobb and Gwinnett counties. You can read about who leads GBPI on their ‘staff and board’ page.
Make no mistake, these corporate-funded radicals want Georgia to be even more like California than it already is.

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