The Dustin Inman Society
D.A. King
Georgia’s only pro-enforcement immigration group announces expanded legal team
Re: Donald A. King and Dustin Inman Society v. Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc
Marietta, GA: D.A. King, president of the Dustin Inman Society (DIS) today announced the newly formed legal team as counsel defending against accusations from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which defamed the organization and King by labeling King as leader of an “anti-immigrant hate group that denigrates all immigrants.”
The nationwide public interest religious civil liberties law firm Liberty Counsel has joined the legal team as counsel defending the Dustin Inman Society (DIS) and its founder and president, D.A. King.
Todd McMurtry, a partner in Hemmer Wessels McMurtry PLLC. will be co-counsel on the legal team. McMurtry is a nationally recognized defamation attorney.
James McKoon, of McKoon and Gamble law firm in Phenix City, Alabama, will serve as local counsel. McKoon initially filed this lawsuit against the SPLC.
In Donald A. King and Dustin Inman Society v. Southern Poverty Law Center, Inc., U.S. District Judge W. Keith Watkins denied the SPLC’s motion to dismiss the case in April 2023. This now becomes the first “hate group” defamation case against the SPLC that will move forward with discovery.
“It came as quite a surprise to the proud immigrants on our diverse board of advisors and our immigrant supporters to learn that the SPLC uses their vast wealth and influence with the media to convince the world that we somehow hate immigrants” remarked DIS president, D.A. King. “More so considering that in 2011 the SPLC informed the Associated Press that we did not fit the SPLC’s own definition of “anti-immigrant hate group” for their ridiculous, annual “hate map” several years earlier. But that was before they started lobbying against immigration enforcement legislation in Georgia.”
“We are proud to be actively pro-enforcement on immigration. The record shows that the SPLC takes an anti-enforcement position on the issue. It seems they hate their political opposition and are willing to prove it,” says King.
King expressed concern for his personal safety and that of his family due to the reputation of SPLC supporters and staff for violence against political opponents.
- Please see the earlier media release from Liberty Counsel.
- Please see today’s news report from Tyler O’Neil at The Daily Signal – ‘Nick Sandmann’s Attorney Joins Lawsuit Against SPLC.‘
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