The below written testimony was sent to the Georgia House Higher Education Committee last week.
From: “D.A. King” <Dki*******>
Subject: Written testimony for HB 932 in hearing today.
Date: February 22, 2022 at 8:01:06 AM EST
To: kayla.bancroft@house.ga. go
Mr. Chairman and members of the committee,
Re: HB 932
My name is D.A. King and I have been studying immigration laws since 2000 and have been a curious observer of the Gold Dome politics on immigration-related matters since 2005. I am president of the Dustin Inman Society and proprietor of the ImmigrationPoliticsGA.com website where we endeavor to educate Georgia voters on immigration-related legislation and policy in the state Capitol. I have assisted in drafting legislation and served as an expert witness on this campus for seventeen years.
I urge you to hold a vote on HB 932 at the earliest possible time.
I hope all concerned are aware that the language of HB932 puts foreign nationals ahead of Americans in the ability to qualify for instate tuition on Georgia’s public colleges. While a college age cousin who moves to Georgia from Michigan must reside here for twelve months before he can qualify for the much lower instate tuition rates, HB 932 is intended to insure that refugees, some Afghans and a growing class of foreigners with a “Special Immigrant Visa” can migrate to our home state and access the much lower instate tuition the day after they arrive. This is inherently un-American and the tax-paying voters in Georgia recognize that fact without confusion or bias.
This legislation is the product of the immense power of the wealthy refugee industry and does not reflect the values of the majority of Georgians who are struggling to make ends meet in their own country. For academic year 2020-2021, the average tuition & fees for Colleges in Georgia is $4,739 for in-state and $17,008 for out-of-state, according to collegetuitioncompare.com
One of the original cosponsors on HB 932, Speaker Pro Tem Jan Jones, has recognized the unfairness and folly of this legislation and removed her name from the bill. We urge the committee not to add their names to the supporters of HB 932 and to put this “Americans last” legislation in the rear view mirror of the 2022 session.
Thank you,
D.A. King
Marietta, GA. 30066
phone *** *** ****
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