Note: The below email was intended to insure the publisher of the Marietta Daily Journal was aware of the existence of state law that requires all jailers to use reasonable effort to determine immigration status of incoming prisoners and to report illegal aliens to U.S. DHS. To our knowledge the MDJ has not run any news item informing readers of the existence of this law or the fact that the Cobb County Sheriff is in violation. Similar emails were sent to most other news outlets in Georgia.
We do not know of any news stories on this topic. More here and here and here.
Related: MDJ (and MDJ-owned Rome Tribune) did run a story on Cobb Sheriff inviting a mariachi band to the celebration event in which he announced he was ending the lifesaving 287(g) agreement in the Cobb jail. The liberal Atlanta Journal Constitution ran a story on both Cobb & Gwinnett sheriffs ending the 287 (g) program and the AJC ran a celebratory story a year later explaining that neither sheriff was reporting illegal aliens to the feds.
From: “D.A. King” <D**********>
Subject: Heads up – you need to know Re; 287(g)
Date: January 20, 2021 at 6:17:03 PM EST
To: otis3@mdjonline ****
Due to first-hand, educated contempt, I have not been involved in Cobb politics in a long while and have not seen your paper in years because of my near total absence of respect for your editors. Those feelings do not apply to you.
Heads up: You need to understand that the new sheriff knows very well (I have made sure of it, personally) that long standing state law requires all jailers to report illegal immigration status to DHS, – 287(g) or no 287(g).
A friend has sent me a pasted version of a news article for the MDJ “Bold, necessary, and overdue”: Sheriff Owens declares end to 287(g) immigration enforcement” that lacks any form of balance, topic knowledge or coverage of the law I describe above. I am proud to have worked on this law with Chip Rogers in 2006 and several times after that including 2011 on HB 87. We put this language in the code as a ‘Plan B’. It is counter productive for the media to keep it secret. It is also counter productive to not comply.
Dustin Inman and literally thousands of other Americans have lost their lives because illegal aliens have been released from local custody and then gone on to kill or harm an innocent. The Cobb Sheriff is using talking points from the far-left that he does not understand. And he is smearing LEO brothers in the process as “profiling.”
I am taking the time to fill you in out of great anger and an effort to save some lives. The AJC refuses to educate their readers. I hope that is not the case with the MDJ. I have subscribed online to watch.
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