O.C.G.A. § 42-4-14
Current through the 2020 Regular Session of the General Assembly
GA – Official Code of Georgia Annotated
§ 42-4-14. “Illegal alien” defined; determination of nationality of person charged with felony and confined in a jail facility
(a)As used in this Code section, the term “illegal alien” means a person who is verified by the federal government to be present in the United States in violation of federal immigration law.
(b)When any person is confined, for any period, in the jail of a county or municipality or a jail operated by a regional jail authority in compliance with Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, a reasonable effort shall be made to determine the nationality of the person so confined.
(c)When any foreign national is confined, for any period, in a county or municipal jail, a reasonable effort shall be made to verify that such foreign national has been lawfully admitted to the United States and if lawfully admitted, that such lawful status has not expired. If verification of lawful status cannot be made from documents in the possession of the foreign national, verification shall be made within 48 hours through a query to the Law Enforcement Support Center (LESC) of the United States Department of Homeland Security or other office or agency designated by the federal government. If the foreign national is determined to be an illegal alien, the keeper of the jail or other officer shall notify the United States Department of Homeland Security, or other office or agency designated for notification by the federal government.
(d)Nothing in this Code section shall be construed to deny a person bond or from being released from confinement when such person is otherwise eligible for release; provided, however, that upon verification that any person confined in a jail is an illegal alien, such person may be detained, arrested, and transported as authorized by state and federal law.
(e)The Georgia Sheriffs Association shall prepare and issue guidelines and procedures used to comply with the provisions of this Code section.
Code 1981, § 42-4-14, enacted by Ga. L. 2006, p. 105, § 5/SB 529; Ga. L. 2008, p. 1137, § 4/SB 350; Ga. L. 2009, p. 8, § 42/SB 46; Ga. L. 2009, p. 970, § 2/HB 2; Ga. L. 2011, p. 794, § 13/HB 87.
Response received from Sheriff Owens address at 11:43 AM:
Good morning Mr. King,
Please send all Open Records request for the Cobb Sheriff’s Office to Ms. Robin Clements our Custodian of Records she handles all Open records request for Cobb Sheriff’s Office.
Thank you and have a great day!
I forwarded the original email to Robin Clements a few minutes later and was sent this response.
On Feb 15, 2021, at 12:31 PM, Clements, Robin <Robin.Clements@cobbcounty.org> wrote:
Good Morning Mr. King,
I have attached the arrest/booking report along with a color mugshot. All charges were obtained by the Cobb County Police Department, not our agency. In order to retrieve an incident report please contact Cobb County Police at policeopenrecordsofficer@cobbcounty.org. Their case number is 21009562. For information regarding the immigration status of Rony Perez please contact the Department of Homeland Security/ICE. I am only the custodian of records for the Cobb County Sheriff’s Office. Have a great rest of the day and stay safe!
Very Respectfully,
<image001.gif> |
Robin E. Clements Executive Asst. to Chief Deputy R. W. Anderson Public Safety Services Coordinator 185 Roswell Street Marietta, GA 30090-9650 770.499.4748 Office |
I then sent this (1:05 PM) in an effort to be sure my original request was clear to all concerned at the CCSO.
Thank you. To be clear, my request included records that would exist if the Cobb County Sheriff office is in compliance with OCGA 42-4-14. I want to be sure there is no confusion and that these are the only records your office can produce for my request on the booking and incarceration of this individual, including any records that would exist due to compliance with the above state law.
I strive for accuracy.
I support the police.
All lives matter.
Good Afternoon Mr. King,
I have attached the arrest/booking report. There is detainer that has been placed on Mr. Perez for Homeland Security. The booking that I sent you on Monday stated there was a detainer placed per 287g. This was entered in error on the booking sheet and has since been corrected. All charges were obtained by the Cobb County Police Department. In order to retrieve an incident report please contact Cobb County Police at policeopenrecordsofficer@cvobbcounty.org. Their case number is 21009562. For information regarding the immigration status of Rony Perez please contact the Department of Homeland Security/ICE. Have a great rest of the day and stay safe!
Here is the (corrected) booking report from the Cobb jail
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