- The below email (subject line “my first email had wrong wording…” was sent on March 28, 2022 at 2:44 PM to Reps Ginny Ehrhart, Chuck Martin, Rick Jasperse, Trey Kelly, David Knight, and Katie Dempsey
“Apprentice’ means a person who is at least 15 years of age, except where a higher minimum age is required by law, who is employed in an eligible apprenticeable occupation, and is registered in Georgia with the United States Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship.Does not exclude illegals.
- The below email was sent on March 28, 2022 at 1:50 PM to Senators Mike Dugan, Bruce Thompson & Butch Miller who were on the Senate Economic Development Committee Chaired by Sen. Thompson. And to Reps Chuck Martin, Ginny Ehrhart, Kasey Carpenter, Katie Dempsey, Robert Dickey, Matt Dubnik, Rick Jasperse, Trey Kelly, David Knight, Dale Washburn, Marcus Wiedower and Rick Williams. The Reps were the Republicans on the House Higher Education Committee chaired by Rep. Chuck Martin that passed out Senate Bill 379.
“We cannot locate en exception for black market labor. Very grateful if anyone on the committee or any sponsors can help us find that exception.
**Advise adding: “Nothing contained in this Code section shall be construed to invalidate, override, or amend any licensing compact entered into by the State of Georgia or to permit the issuance of a benefit, state grant or direct payment without verification under Code Section 50-36-1.”
- The below text was sent on March 28, at 1:51 PM to then Sen. Bruce Thompson who was Chairman of the Senate Economic Development Committee. I received no reply. Thompson was a candidate for Ga. Dept. of Labor Commissioner at the time and is now serving in that capacity.
- The below Email was sent to Rep Chuck Martin on March 29, 2022 at 7:55 AM
Rep. Martin, thank you for addressing one of my concerns ( I had two, apprentice and the Apprenticeship sponsor running an apprenticeship) on SB 379. I watched your hearing and the vote this morning. I still have a question on the eligibility of the entity that can receive the (up to) $10k payment from state coffers.
I don’t think the second question has been addressed. Please correct me if I missed it?
* What if this guy had some kind of apprenticeship program and claims “apprenticeship sponsor” status? ( I am asking, not telling). Could he still participate and create an apprenticeship program – and get state money? Georgia is over run by illegal aliens operating businesses.
Lines 29 – 33 SB 379
(4) ‘Apprenticeship sponsor’ means:
(A) Any entity operating an apprenticeship program; or
(B) Any entity in whose name an apprenticeship program is being operated that is registered with or approved by the United States Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship.
it seems like the belt and suspenders concept would change the “or” to “and?” – & why not add requirement that all concerned be either U.S. citizens or LPRs?
I only noticed this language yesterday just before I called and emailed you. Sorry for the confusing email yesterday. I have not seen the USDOL language on any of this.
If I am missing something. pleas let me know?
Thank you,
*Note:*(Rep Martin Replied at 8:32 AM with “Taking a look at all aspects prior to Rules, Chuck.”)
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