Screenshot, Fox Five investigative reporter Randy Travis story tease on Facebook, July 25, 2022
From:Bob <roberttrent> Sent:Wednesday, July 27, 2022 12:50 PM To:Travis, Randy <Randy.Travis@ — FOX.COM> Subject:Illegal aliens criminals get cover from GA sheriffs?
Mr. Travis,
While I can well understand Georgia sheriff’s wanting to avoid complicating their lives, they do have a duty to protect their citizens. It seems to me the best way to deal with criminal aliens is to remove them from America, once they have paid their debt to our society. This duty begins with the booking process at our county jails. This is the first opportunity to identify who are foreign nationals.
Under existing Georgia law OC GA 42-4-14 Sheriff’s are required to seek out the immigration status of those they book. Certainly the federal government (ICE) would assist in this determination. Of course the contact with ICE begins with the sheriff.
My understanding is that some, if not many of our Georgia sheriff’s are ignoring this law, thus accommodating deportable criminal aliens.
I would think the American media/press would be investigating this lack of concern by our elected law enforcement officials. Americans should be afforded all legal protections.
Robert Trent Saint Mary’s, GA
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From: Bob <roberttrent> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 1:24 PM To: Travis, Randy <Randy.Travis@ – – – FOX.COM> Subject: Re: Illegal aliens criminals get cover from GA sheriffs?
After you take a look ask yourself if this crime problem with illegals is isolated to just North Carolina. Might also inquire about how NCFIRE can assemble this information, and we can’t. Heck the sheriff should be publishing their own list!
Sheriffs are pretty powerful people in our state. Some clearly think it makes their communities safer to ignore this law rather than enforce it. If someone can convince a judge to order them to follow the law, we’ll do that story.
However, without current examples of harm caused against their citizens by this lack of action, it’s difficult for me to justify a story.
I’ve asked for recent examples from critics of the Gwinnett sheriff and received none.
It’s not that clear cut, at least not in the area I’m covering.
The sheriff here in Gwinnett tells me he’s making the community safer because the immigrant community — illegal or not — now feels more comfortable providing evidence about gangs, drug dealing, etc.
He has made a bunch of arrests in that arena. They’re not all here illegally.
There were predictions after he took over that people here would die because of that decision to ignore the reporting law. I’ve been keeping my ears open for that type of consequence but haven’t heard anything.
“Any and all booking/intake forms and documents, inventory of personal property, type and origin and issuing agency of any ID presented or discovered on person of prisoner.
Also, copies of all Cobb County Sheriff’s office records pertaining to efforts to determine immigration status of prisoner including all documents and/or records relevant to compliance with OCGA 42-4-14, including any existing notification to U.S. DHS of illegal immigration status.
I attach records I was able to obtain online as clarification of case in question.”
Response: I received the below email and the pasted report.
For clarity I sent the below reply question (yes, some of the below notes are put of order):
The governor is the chief executive of the state and oversees the executive branch. He or she is the chief law enforcement officer and the commander-in-chief of the state’s military forces.
The governor shall “take care that the laws are faithfully executed and shall be the conservator of the peace” in the state. This power to enforce laws is almost identical to that of the president of the United States. He or she has the power to veto legislation, although the Georgia General Assembly can override the governor’s veto with a two-thirds majority in each chamber.
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