*Updated with replies: Dec. 6:
Reply from Sen. Strickland is here.
Reply from Rep Martin is here.
Sent today at 11:11 AM to Senator Brian Strickland. Also sent to Rep Chuck Martin.
By D.A. King
*Updated with replies: Dec. 6:
Reply from Sen. Strickland is here.
Reply from Rep Martin is here.
Sent today at 11:11 AM to Senator Brian Strickland. Also sent to Rep Chuck Martin.
By D.A. King
A very nice and knowledgable staffer at the Technical College system of Georgias called late yesterday to offer help on understanding the workings of the taxpayer-funded HDCI program created by the GOP-ruled legislature and signed into law in 2022 by Gov. Brain Kemp.
That you very much, Brandon Ona.
Audio on the bottom.
Transcript by Rev.com. My cost, $20.00 and about two hours.
“…really, Brandon, what, what I’m trying to do is, is gain some knowledge on, on this program which I’ve done and you’ve just helped.
But I’m trying to discern whether or not that I… I’ve read the legislation…
… the legislation two years ago. I’m trying to figure out if there is any hump in the road that will prevent or detour somebody in the country illegally from participating in this program either as an employer or as an individual apprentice, uh, apprenticeship m- uh, program member o- o- or, an employee, and I, I can’t find one. I would love for you, if you can direct me towards any language in the law or the policy that would stop that from happening.
In the, um… Well, it, so I, I wanna make sure I understand it. That, so you’re, you’re wanting to, to, to know what, what’s in place to stop, um, somebody that may not be eligible to work, um, because they’re i- undocumented or for whatever reason from participating in the program. I- is that right?
That, that is, uh… Yes, sir.
Okay, so, um, and, and I can, uh, have the folks that actually, you know, um, lead the program itself, um, follow up on that, but, um, generally once a company applies to participate, um, a- and as you’ll see in the application, uh, what we do require is, um, that one, they provide a lot of information on their company. Um, but the main thing there, um, is that we’re able to see that one, um, the company itself is, uh, registered to operate in the State of Georgia, um, with the Secretary of State’s office. And then from there, uh, we look to make sure that they’re current on all state taxes since it is a program funded by state tax dollars. Um, so that’s on the company side.
Um, on the participant side, um, itself, uh, we do collect, um, the US Department of Labors, um, apprentice forms, um, and so those are federal forms that do require, um, detailed information about each apprentice that is participating, uh, and then from there, um, I, I… There’s something else, so we require that form, um, I think… I’m gonna try to remember, look up i- and my apologies if I’m-
No, no, no.
… not-
You’re doing great.
… too, too familiar. One second. Um…
I think it’s the [inaudible 00:02:42]. I’m trying to find the checklist. Well, I don’t think there is a checklist per se, but, um, what we use.
Okay. Um… Want that one.
Okay, so we require, um, a, uh, yeah, the, the federal f- um, apprenticeship form, um, that proves, uh, you know, registration of that particular apprentice, um, copy of photo identification and then a wage verification, um, that they’re employed there.
Copy of photo identification of what description, please, sir?
The, the photo identification of the apprentice.
Y- yeah, but what, from, like, a, a state or any government issued photo ID?
So can it… Does it have to be Georgia specific?
Um, I, we don’t spell that out specifically in this particular requirement, but, um, I, I don’t know if we’ve had an instance where somebody provided something from another state, but I, but that would be… That would have to… We’d have to double check with the folks. Um-
Would, would a, a, a student ID from Georgia State take-
No. It would have to be govern- yeah, government issued, so like a state driver’s license, a passport, um, something like that.
Okay, but not a student ID from a government, s- taxpayer funded school?
No. That’s, yeah. Thank you, that, that’s not allowable, but, but we could check in on that. I don’t-
I don’t think so.
Ca- w- can I access or can you please sort of send me whatever resource you’re looking at that outlines that checklist?
Sure. Yeah, we can, um… So what we have is like a, um, uh, like an MO- a, a template MOU that we have with the companies ’cause each company goes and enters into a contract. Um, yeah.
Well, if you, if I could see the MOU, then I would wash your car.
Sure. Yeah, yeah. No, but that’s fine. Um, we’ll need to get a, um, a draft. I, I need to ask the team for a draft of it, um, to make sure we have, I, I get you an accurate one. Um, but yeah. That, that’s something that we can provide.
Um, o- okay. The, the, the, the, the MOU you said you had a template for. Uh, all I’m looking for is, is whatever you’re looking at, the template.
Yeah, no. The, so the template would have in there, like, the, the requirements for it, the required documentation that they have to provide for each apprentice.
Okay. That, that, that, that helps a lot, and I, I, I appreciate it very much, so-
… um-
… but, the, the e- there is no information gathered from the employer. Is that, is y-… And is that called the sponsor?
The emplo-… So there’s, so no, no. In the registered apprenticeship program, there’s two entities. Um, there’s an employer who employs the apprentice in the registered apprenticeship program, so that’s that person that’s usually… Well, not usually. They’re on payroll. Um, they are an employee of that particular company. Um, and then there’s the program sponsor. Sometimes that is the employer, um, so if you’re looking at, like, a larger company, um, you know, uh, they’re, you know, a larger corporation, um, will probably wanna be a sponsor as well as the employer, um, just because they have the resources to do, and they have more control over the program.
Um, but if, uh, but in other cases, uh, the sponsor could be an external organization that’s partnering with them on the apprenticeship program, so that could be a technical college. It could be an industry association. It could be a union. It really just depends on the nature of the particular program.
Okay. This is very educational. Thank you very much, so i- if, the, is the, the entirety of the information that is collected by TCSG, is the application th- th- that I was sent earlier today, right? There’s no- there’s nothing, there, there’s no other information gathered other than on that in- that what’s listed on that app?
Um, so during due diligence, um, we, we look to make sure that what’s provided in the application is, is accurate. Um, whether that be through the-
Oh, okay. Okay.
… the documentation that they, um, provided on the front end, or, um, if, you know, we need to double check, you know, uh, and, and, and also, for that, um, you know, part of the, the criteria is the characteristics of the company itself, and so sometimes we have to conduct some due diligence. Also, you know, sometimes companies may apply, um, and they may not actually have an active, registered apprenticeship program, and so that’s something that we need to screen for on the front end.
Oh, okay, uh, ha- have, Brandon, have you ever… Do you have, let me put it a different way. I, I’m trying to locate the, the application for registration with the US Department of Labor into the apprenticesh- into their apprenticeship program. I’m having trouble finding that app. Have you ever seen one?
The application? Um, so it’s called the Standards of Apprenticeship, um, is, is the, the full… So I, I should say a couple things. There is the Standards of Apprenticeship, uh, which, um, they have template documents on apprenticeships.gov. Um, but the official form itself that is the apprenticeship agreement is form 671.
Oh, that’ll help-
It’s called an ETA form 671.
What, do, d-… What are those letters again?
ETA. Um, echo, tango, alpha.
Ah, cool. Well, this is, this is, d-
Yeah, um, so ETA six, d-… Um, and then there, well, let me see if the, duh-duh, ETA form 671. Yeah [inaudible 00:08:58]-
Program registration and apprenticeship agreement?
That’s correct, yes.
Outstanding. I’m going to wash your car for sure now.
Um, yeah, that, so that’s the… Any apprentice has to have this, this particular form, um, registered apprentice, sorry, um, if, if you’re in a US registered apprenticeship program.
I get it. So once… Excuse me. The caveat on the Georgia end is that you must first be registered with the US Department of Labor to participate. This is the application that-
That’s correct. Yeah.
… that goes after that, that registration?
Yes. Now, it could be, you know, it and, um, my understanding is that if there’s a company that does apply and let’s say they’re in the process of registering that program, um, but as long as it is registered at the time of the contract execution, um, then, you know, that’s, that’s permiss-… I mean, we need all the documentation before we enter into a contract. Um, but there may be, uh… My understanding is that there may be cases where a company may apply, um, but they’re currently going through the process with US DOL to get that approved, um, and, and sometimes that does take a little bit longer just because it’s, um, it, it’s a, you know, a registration process with a federal agency. Um, so that, that does, you know, take some time.
But usually with that, they’ll provide us some sort of documentation or, or, or some sor- i- provide us with some sort of information that demonstrates that they are going through that process actively.
Okay. B- big help, so-
… thank you for calling, and I forgot why you called. And please forgive me. When I answered the phone, it said, um, “Spam alert,” so-
Uh, try to… Oh, okay. I, I often get a towing company. I think I, the number I have used to be a towing company. (laughs)
Okay, well-
Yeah, sorry.
… a- a- anyway, very helpful and, and thank you very much, okay?
All right. Sounds good. And then I will, um, I’ll… It’ll probably be tomorrow or the day after, uh, but I’ll see if, um, our team can send you over the draft MOU that we use.
Outstanding. Thank you again.
Yep, thank you.
Yes, sir. Bye.
By D.A. King
Image below is from the GALEO Inc. 2023 “Power Breakfast” funder.
A ten-part 2015/2016 ‘Beginner’s Guide” to GALEO here.
By D.A. King
From the Carroll County Star News.
“Is it more irresponsible that moderate Republican Martha Zoller offers up wildly absurd excuses for Kemp’s defiant dereliction of his duty as governor – or that Republican voters remain silent? And how is Republican Kemp any better on illegal immigration than Democrat Joe Biden?
Readers of all descriptions need to know that there is an ignorant attitude and potentially dangerous talking point on illegal immigration circulating under the GOP-ruled Gold Dome and in the Establishment political class. Some elected officials and trusted “conservative” commentators are telling all who will listen that the “don’t worry, it’s not an invasion” invasion at our southern border is “a federal problem.”
Looking back to last session, it is educational to know that multiple bills were passed in the state Senate that would reward and encourage illegal aliens in Georgia.
It is equally important to remember that Georgia is home to more illegals than green card holders and more than Arizona.
When pressed by voters who find the courage to broach the topic with their own elected public servants, many state legislators can be heard responding “there is nothing we can do about illegal immigration on the state or local level!”
This bizarre nonsense should be firmly challenged by voters. To speed that agenda along, while the General Assembly is in session in the coming months there will be specific examples in this space of how treacherous and preposterous this “it’s not our job” attitude really is. As usual, names will be named.
For now, consider the reality that at least one Georgia politician has clearly acknowledged he has the power to address the matter. We should remember all the way back to 2018 when Gov. Kemp was candidate Kemp and recall his campaign ads that led with his solemn promise on what he would do about the crime problem generated by illegal aliens. Kemp promised to go after what he referred to then as “criminal illegals” and to create a public database of that group in Georgia. He pledged to end sanctuary city policies and to work to pass state legislation that would speed up the system that puts illegal aliens into the federal deportation system.
Here are some of Brian Kemp’s exact words from five years ago in describing the promised “Kemp Track and Deport Plan.”
“As governor conservative businessman Brian Kemp will create a comprehensive database to track criminal aliens in Georgia. He will also update Georgia law to streamline deportations from our jails and prisons.”
Brian Kemp’s criminal alien database summary:
On the topic of bizarre nonsense, please also consider the lengths to which at least one Kemp acolyte has gone to concoct an argument for defending the governor, now in his second term.
Republican radio show host explains Kemp’s refusal to honor his 2018 pledge on ‘criminal illegals’
Republican stalwart and influential Gainesville radio show host Martha Zoller (WDUN- 9-11 AM weekdays and online) says illegal immigration has increased so much that Brian Kemp had to abandon his campaign promises on “criminal illegals” and ending sanctuary cities in Georgia. She has promoted this idea more than once on the air and says discussing Kemp’s betrayal is “wasting time.”
Zoller, a Kemp appointee to the state school board, has repeatedly expressed her irritation on-air with this writer for failing to forget Gov Brian Kemp’s many detailed promises on addressing “criminal illegals.” A former Kemp staffer, she says “he had to change his tactics” (because there are so many illegals). She has promoted this idea more than once on the air and says discussing Kemp’s betrayal is “wasting time.”
For those who need a recap, Talker’s Magazine 2023 Woman of The Year Martha Zoller is advising her trusting audience that Biden’s open borders have apparently made ending illegal sanctuary policies in Georgia, creating a public database of “criminal illegals” and sending legislation (“Brian Kemp’s Track and Deport Plan“) to the General Assembly an outdated, non-priority concept.
Sanctuary city policies are already illegal under at least two state laws. Georgia’s governor is not enforcing them.
So, closing questions: Is it more irresponsible that moderate Republican Martha Zoller offers up wildly absurd excuses for Kemp’s defiant dereliction of his duty as governor – or that Republican voters remain silent? And how is Republican Kemp any better on illegal immigration than Democrat Joe Biden?
The above column was published in the November 13, 2023 issue of the Carroll County Star News.
By D.A. King
Panel on ‘barriers’ to foreign-born solicits one-sided presentations
James Online
by D.A. King l August 25, 2021
“We have outdated barriers and regulations that are preventing people from contributing to the economy. Foreign-born people who worked with the U.S. military in Afghanistan in the military security system who can’t be police officers in their own community in Georgia because we have restrictive regulations in Georgia” was part of Lynch’s presentation.”… Here.
House committee on ‘barriers’ skips transparency, continues one-sided agenda
James Online
by D.A. King I Sept. 16, 2021
“The day’s recurring theme and complaints from some solicited witnesses was that Georgia’s purported over-regulation of the “foreign-born” reduces profits. Apparently, Georgia is over doing it in insuring qualified personnel for occupational licensing. As this writer mentioned last month in a report on the first committee meeting, there was a calculated effort to confuse foreign-born Americans and non-citizens.”
On his home turf, committee member Rep Kasey Carpenter (R- Dalton) injected his own view that that “licensing should become less and less important because the consumers are actually able to assess the, the, the, the individual.”… Here.
Solicited witnesses to House committee: Expand state government; relax immigration verification, reduce tuition for illegal aliens…
James Online
by D.A. King | Nov 3, 2021
“Proposals that will interest voters but omitted from scant media coverage of the committee agenda include a repeat of the call for changing state law so as to allow foreign law enforcement officers, international occupational licensing reciprocity along with yet another push to “relax” immigration status verification in Georgia’s occupational licensing process.
See also granting refugees “in-state” status for tuition purposes upon arrival. No waiting period.
Another change put forth by the “expert witnesses” was reducing the educational period to become a medical doctor by two years, student loan forgiveness for foreign medical students and “relaxing the immigration issues for foreign medical graduates.”… Here.
By D.A. King
The below open records request to TCSG is pasted in reverse order – my original ORR is on the bottom., most recent reply on top.
D.A. King,
Thank you for your patience, D.A., and for taking the time to submit your Open Records Request. Pursuant to subparagraph (b)(I)(A) of O.C.G.A. 50-18-71, we are responding in a reasonable timeframe. You have requested copies of SAVE affidavits, applications, and Secure and Verifiable ID documents collected from specified employer participants in the apprenticeship program.
At this time, the requested records do not exist. The awarded companies were recently announced, and we are in the initial stages of the contracting process. This process includes the hiring of apprentices, submission of required documentation, and the verification of information prior to contracts to be drafted and executed.
It is anticipated that the requested records may become available by late February or early March. It would be best to submit a new request at that time to obtain the information.
Should you have any additional questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
When submitting future requests, use our ORR portal: Legal Services – TCSG | Technical College System of Georgia
Kind regards,
Leigh Keever
” src=”blob:https://newdustininmansociety.org/0de89be6-83ac-4aa9-8b10-2861f5627242″ alt=”image001.png” border=”0″ class=”Apple-web-attachment Singleton” style=”width: 1.2812in; height: 0.5625in; opacity: 1;”> | Leigh Keever, M.A.
Policy Coordinator Office of Legal Services Technical College System of Georgia 1800 Century Place, NE, Ste. 400 Atlanta, GA 30345 404-679-4971–office |
From: D. A. King <dk
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 11:32 AM
To: Keever, Leigh <lkeever@tcsg.edu>
Subject: Re: ORR
CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Thank you.
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 3, 2024, at 11:28 AM, Keever, Leigh <lkeever@tcsg.edu> wrote:
Mr. King,
Thank you for contacting the TCSG with your Open Records Act request. Pursuant to subparagraph (b)(I)(A) of O.C.G.A. 50-18-71 we wanted to notify you that the breadth of acquiring the requested data will take longer than the 3-day period. We anticipate having the documents you are requesting to you no later than Friday the 13th of December.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Kind regards,
Leigh Keever
Leigh Keever, M.A.
Policy Coordinator Office of Legal Services Technical College System of Georgia 1800 Century Place, NE, Ste. 400 Atlanta, GA 30345 404-679-4971–office |
From: D.A. King <>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 10:15 AM
To: Keever, Leigh <lkeever@tcsg.edu>; D’Alessio, Mark <MDAlessio@tcsg.edu>
Subject: ORR
Please regard this email as my official open record request for copies of documents pertaining to compliance with OCGA 50-36-1 in the HDAP Apprenticeship Program.
Please send me copies of SAVE affidavits, applications, and Secure and Verifiable ID collected from the below employer participants in the apprenticeship program. I understand that there may be some redaction.
5 Points Electrical
Ace Electric Inc.
All & Everything LLC
Ascendum Machinery Inc
B & W Mechanical Contractors, Inc.
Bargeron Electric Company LLC
Caterpillar BCP, Inc.
Croy Electrical Inc.
Silver Sheet Metal
Delta Plumbing Inc.
Thank you,
D.A. King.
Contact info for the Georgia delegation in Washington DC here. Just click on their name.
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