Georgia Gov Brian Kemp on illegal immigration (and the border), May 14, 2021 920-ish days after the 2018 campaign: “Well, we’re not seeing any impact right, right now. You know, we’re laser, laser focused on that issue, from our state government perspective.”
To keep up (and remember):
Candidate Brian Kemp’s 2018 “Track and Deport Plan” which included the creation of a public criminal alien database here.
Candidate Brian Kemp’s 2018 #BigTruckTrick TV ad here.
The Dustin Inman Society’s counter on how many days since Gov Kemp made these promises on illegal immigration in Georgia here.
Letter from a retired federal immigration agent and most of our Brian Kemp file here.
For those who have not caught on yet, the game has been to totally ignore the crisis. But now with Biden making it worse at the border, Kemp is still ignoring it in Georgia but hoping voters will focus on the border and forget his promises and not find out that that multiple state laws in place aimed at illegal immigration – some of which he voted for as state senator – are treated as optional. Just one example? Try this.
Just before 9:00 AM, and after I saw that Georgia Gov Brian Kemp was to be an on air guest at WDUN -AM radio, I sent out three tweets yesterday tagging Gov Kemp and radio host (and former Kemp administration staffer) Martha Zoller in hopes Martha would ask Kemp about his campaign pledges. That is not what happened, but she did bring up the border and asked Georgia’s governor if we were seeing “an impact” in Georgia and what we should do about it. Keep in mind that Georgia is already home to more illegal aliens than Arizona. In his bizarre response to Zoller, Kemp told Zoller Georgia is not seeing any impact and assured Zoller – and listeners that the state government over which he is Chief Executive is “laser focused” on “that issue.”
My Tweets below. Under that a transcript and audio of the relevant segment of the Martha Zoller Show yesterday morning – and a link to the podcast so you can hear the entire show. I called in later and made the mistake of allowing a pause in my remarks…the topic was again shifted to the border. BTW, who is the Biden supporter co-host?
Podcast here.
It’s the top of the 9:00AM show segment.

Start at 05:42-ish.
Transcript from Rev.com
Host, Martha Zoller: Well, you have a long history, uh, about, uh, immigration enfo- re- [00:06:00] enforcement. In 2006, you chaired the Public Safety Committee, when you were State Senator. Um, you’ve been to the border recently. We had a question that came in about your concerns, or what is going to happen related to I- illegal immigration, with all the people that are coming through the border and are part of this whole, um, catch-and-release, and this sort of thing. W- are we seeing an impact in Georgia, number one? And number two, what should we do about it?
Brian Kemp: Well, we’re not seeing any impact right, right now, [00:06:30] in Georgia. We’ve got our … You know, we’re laser, laser focused on that issue, from our state government perspective. But you know that’s gonna filter our way. I mean, it is, it is outrageous what’s going on at the border, and either the President and the Vice President … who’s in charge of the border crisis now … either doesn’t have a clue as to what’s going on, or they just don’t care.
Um, much different when I went down there just a few weeks ago, than when I was there in December. Um, just the, the message [00:07:00] that the Biden administration had, of, of inviting people to illegal en- illegally enter this country, is just … I mean, it’s a terrible policy. And why they cannot realize this … I mean, record number of apprehensions on the border. And I can promise you, Martha, if there was more people there policing, from a Border Patrols perspective, or other law enforcement, it would be even higher than it is.
I mean, these cartels have gone from not only smuggling drugs across, but they’re smuggling people [00:07:30] and, you know, goods, and, and other things. And, you know, they’re smart. And they know that if they’re close to getting caught, all they’ve got to do is start throwing people in the river that can’t swim, and the Border Patrol agents, or the Texas, uh, State Patrol, is going to have to go save those people. And while that distraction’s going on … And they cause these distract- distractions on purpose.
They’re floating a homemade barge with a, you know, a, a small, you know, compact pick-up full of drugs, across the river, and driving [00:08:00] it in- inland. And we know that those drugs and that contraband, uh, is going to end up in the State of Georgia at some point, or the … around the rest of the country. And that’s not to mention the, the human trafficking and other things that are going on, on, on the border. And it, it is … it’s just unbelievable, how different it is, and …
You know, we need all to continue to press the administration to take some action. I certainly have been doing that.
Host, Martha Zoller: Governor Bryan Camp, thanks so much for your time today. Good news yesterday about the masks. [00:08:30] It seems like we- we never have a week with a slow news week, but it’s going to be, uh, it’s going to be a great week. Thanks for being with us today.
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