False allegations of racism is usually a tool of the left
It has come to our attention that state Rep Bill Werkheiser has been severely misinformed about yours truly.
Word has arrived here from South Georgia that Rep Werkheiser has told at least one Appling County Republican (in writing) that I somehow “make a living fundraising off the immigration issue.” It gets worse and even more outrageously wrong – and potentially libelous.
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We don’t think Rep Werkheiser does much research before he spreads very inaccurate and damaging misinformation about people, at least about me.
Below is a screenshot sent to me this week that I am told by a third person and friend of the source comes from the cell phone of an interested Appling County resident. He sent a text to Rep Bill Werkheiser about an informative post I put on the Appling County Republican Party Facebook page when I learned that Rep Werkheiser would speak to that group next month. I have spoken on the phone with the man who received the text reply he says came from Rep Werkheiser. Rep Werkheiser has one thing right – I do live in Cobb County – in the same house for nearly 40 years.
The short version of a correction to the falsehoods Rep Bill Werkheiser is reportedly spreading is that in 2003 I set aside my own insurance business and began using my own money to fight the organized crime of illegal immigration. We have refinanced our home several times and incurred massive debt in that ongoing effort. I strive to not only counter the misinformation spread by agenda-driven media about illegal immigration but also to work to see Georgia law aimed at making our state inhospitable to that crime actually enforced. I formed the Dustin Inman Society in 2005. We do accept donations but my financial condition can hardly be viewed as “making a living” in any realistic measurement. I will likely never get out off debt.
These facts are easily confirmed, not withstanding the false information spread by the anti-enforcement lobby. It is difficult to understand how Rep Werkheiser can say “I know him well” as other than a very short and friendly conversation in the hallway of the CLOB in February, I don’t know him at all other than from the actions he takes on legislation both in committee and floor votes.
We are an IRS 501 (C) (4) non profit corporation in good standing with all state and federal regulations. We operate on donations.
Like the diverse group of Americans who serve on our board and support our cause, we are pro-enforcement on immigration. I’ll pass Rep Werkheiser’s depiction of me on to the proud Hispanic, black and Asian Americans on the DIS board.
It seems that Rep Werkheiser may be reacting to facts I shared with some of his constituents on legislation on which he is a cosponsor (HB 131) and another bill (HB 136) that he joined the Democrats in voting against in a committee hearing last session.
We firmly believe in transparency in government and make no apology for educating Georgians on what goes on in the state Capitol.
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