Georgia Employer and Worker Protection Act of 2010
Here (drafted at same desk from which I type today).
By D.A. King
Here (drafted at same desk from which I type today).
By D.A. King
United Nations IOM? – International Organization for Migration (“making migration work for all”). Webpage
The goal is open borders. And it is happening before our eyes. I no longer care what fools who watch – and believe – “the news” everyday think of me for telling them the truth.
There are still people who don’t understand that the goal for most of the “ruling elite” is to insure everybody – worldwide – has “the same amount of stuff.” Except the ruling elite, of course. They will always need and be worthy of their private jets and special presence due to their enlightened superiority. They are “more equal.”
Nearly fifteen years ago we spent a lot of time, effort and money on a website designed to provide a basic education on this topic. It made a lot of people very uncomfortable – including at the open borders AJC. But it is impossible to match the funding, staff and resources of the vast open borders industry and we had to return to fighting against the progress towards amnesty for illegal aliens in the U.S. and smaller battles on the state level against corporate money and too many ignorant and obedient politicians in Georgia who know nearly nothing about any of this – and are pretty sure it isn’t worth knowing if they don’t already know.
By D.A. King
After several failed attempts, House Democrats finally completed the first step to passing what could be the largest illegal alien amnesty in U.S. history this morning by approving H.R. 5376, Pres. Biden’s Build Back Better legislation.
Click here to read all the details in the House version of H.R. 5376. In summary, the bill would:
In addition to the mass amnesty, our Capitol Hill Team conservatively estimates that the bill would result in about 1 million additional green cards over the next 10 years.
Despite about a dozen moderates expressing concerns over the immigration provisions, among other things, the amnesty bill passed with support from all House Democrats except Rep. Jared Golden of Maine.
As expected, no House Republicans supported the legislation. Notably, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy forced Speaker Nancy Pelosi to delay the vote after delivering an 8-hour floor speech last night and into this morning, highlighting some of the immigration provisions.
Senate leaders have signaled that they expect to make significant changes to the House-passed legislation, and if it passes, would require the House to vote on the Senate version.
Senate Democratic Leaders will also have to ensure that their version of the legislation complies with Senate rules since they’re using the budget reconciliation process to avoid a filibuster from Senate Republicans.
The Senate may not be able to take up the Build Back Better bill immediately since it faces a few deadlines following next week’s Thanksgiving recess. First, it must pass a spending bill by Dec. 3 to avoid a government shutdown. Second, it must consider raising the debt ceiling as soon as Dec. 15. But today’s House action will apply some pressure on the Senate to move forward on the budget reconciliation bill after tabling it for the last week or so.
We’ll be posting customized actions on your Action Board today, reflecting how your U.S. Representative voted on the Build Back Better amnesty bill. Please visit your Board to send these actions.
Finally, all of us at NumbersUSA wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
By D.A. King
See also our four-part write-ups of the study committee meetings created by the Resolution covered in this story. dak
Part 1 here, part 2 here, part 3 here, part 4 here.
“We have to get equality for educational opportunity and vocational opportunity for all Georgians,” Mr. Cantrell said.”
Global Atlanta
FEBRUARY 16, 2021
Editor’s note/Correction: An earlier version of this article stated that the Home Builders Association of Georgia had offered testimony in support of HB 120. While the association did offer vocal support for HR 11 on global workforce development, it has not issued any formal testimony in support of the former bill (HB 120). The article has been updated to correct this error.
Immigrant advocacy groups are urging business backing for a raft of proposed legislation at the Georgia General Assembly they say would enhance talent access and recognize foreign-born workers’ role in the state’s economic vitality.
One in seven Georgia workers is foreign-born, and these non-native residents own nearly one-third of all businesses in the state. Their success helps boost the local economy and showcase Georgia as a welcoming environment for small businesses, resettlement and advocacy groups argue.
The Coalition of Refugee Services Agencies (CRSA) last week replicated virtually its annual “New Americans Celebration,” traditionally one of largest advocacy events at the State Capitol.
CRSA is asking for business to lobby their legislators in support of bills that would remove barriers to higher education, vocational assistance, licensing and medical care for the 1 million foreign-born residents that make up about a tenth of the state’s population.
Refugee- and immigrant-owned businesses provide jobs for 200,000 Georgians and produced more than $33 billion in sales in 2018. Some 22 percent of workers in Georgia’s critical STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) industries were born outside the U.S.
“We are always looking for input from the business community,” said Darlene Lynch, chair of the Business & Immigration for Georgia (BIG) Partnership, a CRSA initiative that links business and civic leaders in promotion of new Americans’ economic participation.
House Resolution 11 aims to systematize this interaction at the State House, creating a “House Study Committee on Innovative Ways to Maximize Global Talent in Georgia” — a challenge that spans from the filling the entry-level factory position to recruiting expatriate executives. The resolution has already garnered widespread bipartisan support, co-author Rep.Wes Cantrell (R-Woodstock) told Global Atlanta.
While the resolution would not have the force of law, supporting it sends a message ahead of more potentially controversial bills that affect immigrants, Ms. Lynch said.
Mr. Cantrell said House Bill 120 goes hand-in-hand with HR 11’s study committee.
The bill would offer in-state tuition for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, or “Dreamers” — those students who graduated from Georgia high schools but have no legal status in the United States because they were brought here as small children.
“We have to get equality for educational opportunity and vocational opportunity for all Georgians,” Mr. Cantrell said.
Co-authored by Rep. Kasey Carpenter (R-Dalton), Mr. Cantrell and others, the bill has been well-received by some business organizations.
Advocacy groups such as have been working for the past two years on similar state legislation to reach bipartisan consensus on tuition equity for Dreamers, said Sam Aguilar, state director in Georgia.
“At the state level, we’re focused on immigration policy that brings communities together and brings stakeholders like the business community, immigrant advocates and faith leaders to build broad consensus and shift the culture of how we discuss immigration issues in the Georgia General Assembly,” Mr. Aguilar said.
Mr. Carpenter and those crafting the bill see it as a “firewall” between the federal and state activity, Mr. Aguilar said. If the federal Dream Act passes, undocumented students would receive a pathway to citizenship or permanent legal residence. But Georgia DACA recipients would be eligible for in-state tuition under HB 120, regardless of their status.
“No matter what happens at the federal level, the state efforts would be minimally impacted,” he said.
Mr. Aguilar and others argue that in-state tuition for Dreamers is a “workforce development solution” at a time many employers are struggling to find good help. Improving access to higher education and creating better-prepared, more professional workforce, he said.
Another bill in question HB 209, which would create a fee-for-service Medicaid expansion program for eligible uninsured Georgians, including an option for small businesses to offer the program to employees.
This would help manage health costs for immigrants who may lack health insurance, even as they play a vital role in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic as doctors and nurses treating the illness and doling out vaccines.
With one-fifth of all Georgia doctors and health aides being foreign-born, advocates stress the need for policy change that helps these medical professionals fulfill their educational requirements and get their professional licenses in order to address workforce shortages, particularly in rural parts of the state, noted Omar Aziz, an Iraqi-born refugee who leads the International Rescue Committee’s COVID-19 testing outreach in Atlanta.
State legislative and advocacy efforts are taking place amid a flurry of federal activity on immigration and refugee resettlement.
With the Biden Administration announcing the expansion of the U.S. refugee quota to 125,000 refugees for fiscal year 2022, Georgia refugee assistance groups are ramping up preparations to place new arrivals in jobs around the state.
Already one of IRC’s largest refugee resettlement field offices in the U.S., the Atlanta outpost is hiring more staff, said Lauren Bowden, the agency’s career development coordinator.
“This [increase in refugee admissions] will greatly impact us. We’re excited about it,” she told Global Atlanta.
Georgia is usually the tenth state in number of refugees resettled in the U.S. Based on historical averages, a national refugee admissions ceiling of 125,000 in FY22 would equate to about 5,000 new arrivals into Georgia; about 2,700 of those would be resettled by the IRC in metro Atlanta, many of them in Clarkston.
During the virtual New Americans Celebration, CRSA Chairman Jim Neal said he was “very encouraged” to see the U.S. returning to higher levels of refugee resettlement – with a revised FY21 ceiling of 62,500 refugees — after the historic lows of the past several years under former President Donald Trump.
The coalitions’ member organizations must be ready to act, he said.
“We must make sure we can provide safe and high-quality welcome and support [for refugees] and work through the process equitably and fairly,” he said, adding that resettlement has wide public support in Georgia and nationally.
Mr. Cantrell and Ms. Lynch are also confident that Georgia legislators will be interested in promoting refugee and immigrant interests via House Resolution 11.
Over the next year, HR 11’s proposed study committee —composed of five General Assembly members selected by the Speaker of the House, one business community member and one foreign-born member —will meet in various cities around the state to come up with legislative ideas that improve opportunities for Georgia’s foreign-born.
“There’s already a lot of clamor to be on the committee, although there are only five spots. But everyone can participate and give input, even if they’re not on the committee,” Mr. Cantrell said, noting that many of his colleagues in the State House represent districts with high immigrant populations or are foreign-born themselves. He stressed the need for input from rural as well as metro area communities.
Beyond legislative support, organizations like the IRC and Inspiritus are working with Georgia employers to find jobs for refugees. One of the IRC’s latest initiatives is a refugee internship program that matches refugees with Atlanta companies.
Inspiritus Director of Refugee and Immigrant Services Aimee Zangandou said her organization is helping refugees to “hit the ground running” and has them working within six months of arriving in the state.
Amplio Recruiting, an Atlanta-based staffing agency focused on refugees, sees 80 percent retention after three months, and after a year, 73 percent of refugee workers are still employed at their companies.
“It has nothing to do with us,” Amplio founder and CEO Chris Chancey said during a Next Generation Manufacturing discussion on alternative workforce solutions Jan. 28. “It’s the fact that these individuals are highly motivated and want to be able to contribute to the local economy and play a pivotal role in the community and live out that American Dream.”
Ms. Lynch welcomed more business community members to sign up with the BIG initiative to receive tailored updates on refugee and immigration issues or to participate in lobbying efforts.
“The question is what kind of state do we want to have for everyone? That sets the tone for welcoming refugees and immigrants,” Mr. Neal said. “We want to make Georgia a state where everyone feels welcomed and empowered. Join us in this work.”
Register here to receive action alerts from CRSA. Read CRSA’s annual report here.
By D.A. King
Breitbart News
11 Nov 2021
DEL RIO, Texas — According to a source within Customs and Border Protection, migrants from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India were arrested Wednesday. Border Patrol agents encountered them after crossing the Rio Grande as they tried to elude apprehension in dense brush.
The incidents began early Wednesday when agents arrested a group of seven. Agents tracked footprints away from the Rio Grande, ultimately finding the migrants on a private ranch.
Four identified themselves as citizens of Afghanistan, two from India, and one from Pakistan. As the day unfolded, five more significant interest migrants were apprehended, raising the number of migrants from significant interest countries to 12 in a single day—including four Syrians.
Two of the migrants, an Afghan and Pakistani, according to the source, were previously detained in Mexico by immigration authorities. They managed to escape a Mexican Institute of Migration (INM) detention facility in Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, last week.
The source says encountering significant interest migrants from such a wide variety of countries in one day is not normal. The source is concerned that reduced patrols caused by a significantly higher flow of migrants means some significant interest aliens may be successfully avoiding capture.
Since October 31, the source says 20 additional significant interest migrants have been encountered in the Del Rio Sector alone. These arrests included 16 citizens of Eritrea, 3 Uzbek nationals, and 1 Iranian.
“The pictures are by Robert Clark, and were shot from the window of his studio in Brooklyn. Others shot the second plane hitting the tower, but I think there are elements in Clark’s photographs that make them special. To me the wider shots not only give context to the tragedy, but also portray the normalcy of the day in every respect except at the Towers. I generally prefer tighter shots, but in this case I think the overall context of Manhattan makes a stronger image. And, the fact that Clark shot the pictures from his studio indicates how the events of 9/11 literally hit home. I find these images very compellingÑin fact, whenever I see them they force me to study them in great detail.”
The designation of special interest migrant is related to the travel pattern and conditions within the home country, rather than specific threats. According to DHS, the designation of special interest migrant is different than the designation of an individual migrant known or suspected of terrorism. The terms “Special Interest Migrant” and “Known or Suspected Terrorist” (KST) are not interchangeable.
As reported by Breitbart, the Border Patrol is facing a monumental increase in migrant traffic that is straining the agency’s ability to perform even the most basic patrol functions. Since the start of the Fiscal Year on October 1, more than 50,000 migrants have escaped apprehension nationwide.
The arrests of the significant interest migrants came on the day the Secretary of Homeland Security issued an updated National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin. The bulletin addressed the current heightened threat environment across the United States as several holidays approach:… more here.
By D.A. King
Contact info for the Georgia delegation in Washington DC here. Just click on their name.
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