Posted here on IPG
By D.A. King
By D.A. King
June 4, 11:56 AM
Update: Mr. Trent sent us a link to his letter this AM along with a personal reply from Gov Kemp.
The link
The reply (s) from Gov Kemp:
From: Brian Kemp <briankemp_____>Subject: Re: QuestionDate: June 4, 2021 at 8:12:06 AM EDTTo: Robert Trent <robertt>
Appreciate your thoughts, but I would disagree. For one we have had over 200 Ga National Guards helping the border patrol in TX for a couple of years now.
Sent from my iPhoneOn Jun 4, 2021, at 7:43 AM, Robert Trent <robertt> wrote:
Not malware, it is a public statement I made concerning your failures to keep your promises.
Sent from my iPhoneOn Jun 3, 2021, at 10:32 PM, Brian Kemp <briankemp> wrote:
I got some sort of link or something from you and was worried it might be malware.
Can you advise?
Sent from my iPhone_
We note that the Texas border ain’t Georgia. dak
We were copied on this open letter to Gov Brian Kemp this afternoon. It looks like Mr. Trent sent it to several media outlets and to politicians other than Kemp as well. Thank you, sir! – but we don’t think the media has any interest in making this “an issue.”
3 June 2021
Governor Brian Kemp
206 Washington Street
111 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
I am a former U.S. Marine combat veteran, a former Border Patrol agent, retired senior special INS agent, and was the assistant director, enforcement training, U.S. Immigration Service at FLETC. I am very proud of my professional lifetime dedicated to immigration enforcement.
I have written to and about you before regarding your lack of attention to illegal immigration. I am one of the Republican voters who remember your repeated 2018 campaign promises on the illegal immigration crisis in Georgia. As many of us noted then, you never once mentioned enforcement of the state’s unenforced E-Verify law or the criminal employers who draw the illegal aliens into Georgia with the promises of illegal employment. You never delved into the fact that illegal immigration also has a monetary cost to Georgia taxpayers — I have seen the estimate of $2.4 billion annually. In your campaign drive on illegal immigration, you failed to mention the base belief of conservatives – that we must safeguard and defend the rule of law upon which our nation was founded.
But you did make clear promises on illegal aliens after they commit additional crimes. As a reminder to all concerned I quote some of them below.
“I’ve got a big truck in case I need to round up criminal illegals and take them home myself.”
“Donald Trump is right. We must end sanctuary cities.”
“I’ll track and immediately deport all criminal aliens so our kids don’t become the next victims.”
“Kate Steinle, Edwin Jackson and the Cannon family, all killed by illegal immigrants. Donald trump was right, we must secure the border and end sanctuary cities.”
Most voters do not understand that governors have no authority to deport anyone. Neither do they understand that in your examples of American families needlessly separated forever by illegal aliens, you skipped mention of Georgia’s Dustin Inman and the Inman family of Woodstock. Illegal immigration destroyed the Inman family.
While the Georgia media has seemingly protected you on this defiant breach of your campaign assurances, brave experts on the issue in Georgia have carefully documented your lack of action. My friend D.A. King at the Dustin Inman Societyhas put up a counter to track the number of days since your 2018 primary guarantees.
Stacey Abrams or not, be advised that many pro-enforcement citizens have decided to withhold our vote due to your current arrogant defiance. I write to inform you that I am in that growing group of Republicans.
Robert Trent
Saint Mary’s, GA
By D.A. King
Georgia Gov Brian Kemp, June, 2021:
“My mission when I got in the governor’s office was to do exactly what I told people I was gonna do. And that’s what I’ve been doing. And that’s what I’m gonna run on, regardless of who the opponent is.”
Here is our #BigTruckTrick counter.
(FoxFive, WAGA, Atlanta) TV News anchor: (00:03)
… has consistently backed the new voting law saying, “It makes it easier to vote and harder to cheat.” Despite the backlash, he hopes to secure support for his reelection.
TV News anchor: (00:12)
This weekend, Georgia Republicans will head to Jekyll Island for the state’s GOP convention. FOX 5’s Claire Simms spoke with Governor Kemp one on one to talk about why he says Georgians should reelect him.
Claire Simms, TV news reporter: (00:27)
Governor Brian Kemp will head to Georgia’s coast this weekend to meet with Republicans from all over the state as he tries to earn their vote in 2022.
Governor Kemp: (00:36)
These are the times where you really need tough leaders. You know, you’re having to make tough decisions. I haven’t shied away from that.
Claire Simms: (00:43)
In a one-on-one interview, Governor Brian Kemp says he is the person to help lead Georgia as the state recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Last month, the Republican officially announced he would run for reelection in 2022. Kemp has already drawn two primary challengers, former Democratic state lawmaker Vernon Jones and South Georgia educator Kandiss Taylor, both of whom have called for a forensic audit of the 2020 election in Georgia. Jones has accused Kemp of not doing enough to help former President Trump win the state.
Governor Kemp: (01:18)
Well, first of all, it’s just n-, not true at all. I mean, I did over 80 events helping President Trump, uh, helping our two US senators, helping our legislative candidates, House and Senate. Uh, even helped local candidates, you know, that would had, you know, Republicans running up in Cobb and other places that I went and did events for. So, uh, nobody worked as hard as I did in the state of Georgia.
Claire Simms: (01:41)
Kemp’s 2018 rival, Democrat Stacey Abrams, has not yet said whether she will run again. But the Governor says he is ready.
Governor Kemp: (01:50)
Oh, I’m looking forward to running whoever gets in the race. I mean, it’s, it’s not gonna be about them as much as it is me reminding people, um, that I delivered on the promises I told ’em I would do. My mission when I got in the governor’s office was to do exactly what I told people I was gonna do. And that’s what I’ve been doing. And that’s what I’m gonna run on, regardless of who the opponent is.
Claire Simms: (02:12)
Former President Donald Trump has said he will come to Georgia to campaign against Governor Kemp. Coming up all new on FOX 5 News Edge at 11:00, why Kemp says he cannot focus on what others are doing.
Claire Simms: (02:24)
Outside the state capitol, Claire Simms, FOX 5 News.
By D.A. King
We are informed that metro-Atlanta’s Cobb County Republican Party has passed a resolution rebuking Gov. Brian Kemp (R) for his silence on Georgia’s illegal immigration crisis.
“Governor Kemp has betrayed President Trump, pro-enforcement voters, and since becoming Chief Executive has defiantly ignored illegal immigration and his related campaign pledges” goes the Cobb resolution reportedly passed in a special meeting held on Saturday at party headquarters in Marietta. We are told the recent county convention ended before resolutions could be considered – thus Saturday’s special meeting.
The text of the Kemp resolution (see below) sent here by CCRP officials matches the draft we created and distributed in April. We are waiting for a promised signed copy of the document as passed.
Cobb Republicans recently elected new leadership and the organization has apparently undergone a notable change on what is allowed as “an issue.” We applaud the new direction. We are ecstatic that Kemp has been noted for his #BigTruckTrick.
There is more to this story and from what we understand, people to thank include Resolution Committee Chairman Michael Optiz, Resolution Committee member Hugh Norris, Cobb’s Jan Barton and CCRP Chair Salliegh Grubbs. We are hopeful the matter will be part of the upcoming Republican state convention. In answer to the question “on what issue is Georgia’s liberal media happy to assist Republican politicians? – we do not look for much (any) Georgia traditional media coverage of the Cobb resolution.
Republican Brian Kemp lost Cobb County to Stacey Abrams in 2018. According to Migration Policy Institute, Cobb ranks fourth in its population of illegal aliens in Georgia. As the resolution notes, the state is home to more illegal aliens than Arizona. The newly elected Cobb sheriff recently ended the 2007 287(g) agreement with ICE. Kemp was silent. Kemp’s announced Republican primary challengers are as mum on the state crisis as he is.
By D.A. King
A new poll produced by Pulse Opinion Research and ProEnglish shows that a whopping 80% of Americans nationwide support making English the official language of the United States.
A further breakdown of the poll results shows the following:
80% of Americans nationwide support official English.
78% of Whites support official English.
86% of Blacks support official English.
80% of Hispanics support official English.
90% of Republicans support official English.
72% of Democrats support official English.
All of these figures show overwhelming national support for official English across races, ethnicities, and political parties.
ProEnglish will be sharing these overwhelming poll results with Congress and the White House on an immediate basis.
By D.A. King
Contact info for the Georgia delegation in Washington DC here. Just click on their name.
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