The headline on a 2006 “blurb” entry on an SPLC webpage screams “Former bookie stirs up anti-immigrant passions.” They were referring to me. If I had seen this before yesterday, I don’t remember it. As part of the beginning of the pending court action against the Southern Poverty Law Center, my lawyers have *apparently been sent an “index of initial disclosures” from the SPLC. I am still learning terms here but the index I see is a list of attacks one over the years from the SPLC hate merchants in Montgomery. *Correction Aug 4, 2023: I am now informed that the list was created by a staffer on my legal team and did not come from the SPLC. My error. dak
The blurb leads to a 2006 news article from the Atlanta Journal Constitution back when that shrinking, liberal newspaper still had some integrity. The “former bookie” description is a reference to my 1977 guilty plea to charges of illegal gambling. I was taking bets on sports. In the mid 1970’s. The penalty for the gambling plea was a $3000 fine and 2 years of probation, which was terminated early. The AJC knew about this only because I told their reporters, Jim Tharpe and Carlos Campos. A story for another time.
While it’s only one of many examples, the SPLC headline serves to illustrate how they have based their attacks on us by simply changing the words “illegal immigrant” (I usually say “illegal alien”) to merely “immigrant.” The headline on the AJC report was “Warrior against illegals lives, breathes the issue.” The sub-headline read “Cobb man quit job to become full-time activist.” Not exactly what most readers would regard as “anti-immigrant hate” or denigrating all immigrants, which the SPLC says we do here at DIS. It’s a lie, of course.
If you take the time to read the original AJC report you see various quotes from me and descriptions of my/our work and mission by AJC reports and editors that always clearly indicate the battle against illegal immigration while pointing at illegal aliens and illegal employment.
“Whether on the streets or in the halls of the Georgia Capitol, fighting illegal immigration is a way of life for D.A. King.
Photo: AJC Twitter
The 53-year-old Cobb County man quit his job selling medical insurance three years ago to become a self-educated activist against illegal immigration. Dismissed as a fringe figure by critics, King has forced his way into an influential role in this year’s debate over a legislative crackdown on illegals.”
*Update, July 27, 11:25 AM: I have not received any response to the above request. I sent a second request, texted the commissioner and sent a message to their DOL on Twitter X messages. dak
20 July 2023
Public records request gov
Georgia Dept of Labor,
Please regard this (replacement) letter as my official request for public records under Georgia’s open records laws.
1) Please send me copies of any and all electronic records and/or documents that illustrate or reveal the number of illegal aliens who are recipients of the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program who have applied to GA DOL for unemployment benefits from June 15, 2012 to today’s date.
2) Please send me copies of any and all electronic records and/or documents that illustrate or reveal the number of illegal aliens who are recipients of the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program who have applied to GA DOL for unemployment benefits from January 12, 2023 to today’s date.
3) Please send me copies of any and all electronic records and/or documents that illustrate or reveal the number of illegal aliens who are recipients of the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program who have been approved for unemployment benefits and have or are collecting unemployment benefits administered by GA DOL, June 15, 2012 to today’s date.
4) Please send me copies of any and all electronic records and/or documents that illustrate or reveal the number of illegal aliens who are recipients of the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program who have been approved for unemployment benefits and have or are collecting unemployment benefits administered by GA DOL, from January 12, 2023 to today’s date.
This request replaces the similar request emailed earlier today.
Please contact me with any questions on the above request.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic
Holding the SPLC to Account
The hard-left, speech-suppressing pressure group is finally facing a serious lawsuit for defamation. Patriot Post
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — A federal court in Alabama refused to dismiss defamation claims filed by the Dustin Inman Society, a nonprofit promoting immigration law enforcement, against the Southern Poverty Law Center, which allegedly designated the nonprofit as an “anti-immigration hate group” and said its principal “focuses on vilifying all immigrants.” The court finds the defamation claims plausible.
Lawsuit alleges defamation against Montgomery-based Southern Poverty Law Center for ‘anti-immigrant hate group’ label — ‘The beginning of the beginning’
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and his Attorney General, Chris Carr, don’t enforce existing state laws aimed at making life difficult for illegal aliens in Georgia. And it’s all about the money. Voters who don’t spend a lot of time in the state Capitol will have a much easier time understanding all this if they realize that illegal immigration is organized crime and that most of politics is all about money and that most of the real power is wielded by the special interests with the big money. Essentially the two sides on the immigration issue are either pro-enforcement and anti-enforcement.
Illegal aliens in Florida are worried that the recently passed illegal immigration law will be enforced there. Apparently they shouldn’t be overly
Related: Illegal alien in Georgia confirms enforcement works.
A recent NPR piece is not the first news report we have seen that confirms that logical assumption. According to the far-left NPR, Republican Florida state Rep Rick Roth say illegal aliens there “are already starting to move to Georgia.”
About here we need to note that the entire purpose of immigration enforcement is to discourage illegal immigration. Attrition of the illegal alien population through enforcement of the law – “attrition through enforcement.” Enforcement works.
Florida Rep Rick Roth.
According to Rep Roth and other Florida Republicans fewer illegals is not result they planned for when they voted for enforcement:
“GOP Rep. Rick Roth, a third generation farmer, told NPR on Tuesday that state Senate Bill 1718, which goes into effect on July 1, was designed to “scare migrants.” But he admitted that he and his colleagues were unprepared for the destabilization it would cause among the state’s more established immigrant communities.”
NPR goes on:
“Roth and a handful of other Republicans, including state representatives Alina Garcia and Juan Fernandez-Barquin, are scrambling to allay fears of job losses or deportation, which they say are already driving workers out of the state.
“This bill is 100 percent supposed to scare you,” Roth said. “I’m a farmer and the farmers are mad as hell. We are losing employees that are already starting to move to Georgia and other states.”
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