Recorded segment audio on the bottom. Link to original radio show here. Transcript here.

By D.A. King
By D.A. King
Breitbart News
Twitter has suspended the account of Angel Mom Sabine Durden Coulter, whose son Dominic Durden was killed by a twice-convicted illegal alien, Breitbart News has learned.
Coulter, a naturalized American citizen from Germany, had been a vocal online advocate for the American victims of illegal alien crimes as her son was killed in 2012 by illegal alien Juan Zacarias Tzun — a twice-convicted drunk driver whom sanctuary state California officials failed to deport from the United States.
Since her son’s death, Coulter has joined forces with Angel Families to advocate on behalf of illegal alien crime victims.
Late last week, Coulter said she attempted to post on Twitter, but the social media platform would not allow her. She then realized that her account had been suspended with no explanation except an email claiming that she violated the corporation’s “rules against ban evasion.”
Coulter said she has never been suspended from Twitter in the past.
Screenshot via Twitter
“I knew the day would come,” Coulter told Breitbart News. “I knew eventually Twitter would silence me, an Angel Mom who has lost her only child because of illegal immigration. I lost almost 26,000 followers and was suspended on February 12, 2022.”
Coulter said she has appealed the Twitter suspension. Breitbart News reached out to Twitter officials over the suspension but has not received a response at the time of this publication.
The platform, Coulter said, had long been shadow-banning her posts.
“I guess my stance and opinion about illegal aliens was getting to them, Coulter said. “I guess their idea of free speech is different — can’t tell the truth about what and who killed my only child almost 10 years ago, can’t voice an opinion about an issue that cost American lives and billions of dollars, can’t call it what it is so they claim violations of this and that, without any proof, to remove anyone from this platform.”…
Read the entire story from Breitbart here.
By D.A. King
Republican legislators in Georgia are trying to dodge debate over the rising cheap-labor migration into their state — but they also are drafting bills that would steer more illegal migrants into the jobs and homes needed by young Georgians.
“Those of us who are in the [Georgia] Capitol for the last 18 years know that the big business lobby run by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce does not want any discussion about the hidden costs of black-market labor,” said D.A. King, founder of the Dustin Inman Society, which opposes illegal migration.
“Most legislators under Georgia’s gold-domed capitol would rather have a root canal while sitting in a chair of broken glass than discuss black-market labor and illegal migration in Georgia,” King told Breitbart News.
The state is home to at least 400,000 illegal migrants and roughly 800,000 legal migrants, according to a 2020 estimate by a pro-migration group. Companies also ship in foreign workers, often illegally, to take low-wage, shorter-term jobs that would otherwise provide family wages to Georgians. In 2020, for example, then-GOP Rep. Doug Collins stopped an illegal scheme to import Korean construction workers for a battery factory in Jackson County.
The stealthy push for more migration into Georgia is just one of many state-level campaign efforts to get around the GOP’s voter-enforced opposition to President Joe Biden’s planned amnesties and migration expansions. The state campaigns hope to extract more migrant workers, consumers, and renters from poor countries for use in the U.S. economy. In Illinois, for example, the Chicago Sun-Times reported January 26 about plans to expand cheap healthcare aid to migrants:
[Angelica] Garcia, 51, of West Chicago, is among those pushing for Illinois to expand a health care program to more [illegal] immigrants like herself. Garcia, who volunteers at the cultural hub Casa Michoacan in suburban West Chicago, was among a group of … advocates Wednesday who detailed the economic and health care reforms they support.
Last year, Illinois expanded a Medicaid-like program that provides health insurance coverage to [illegal] immigrants who are 55 and older, the Associated Press reported. Garcia said she doesn’t qualify for that program because of her age. She and others want the program to expand to include other [illegal] immigrants like herself.
In New York City, advocates have passed a law allowing illegals to vote. In California, advocates have passed laws that provide taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegals. In Virginia, advocates want to start putting illegals on public healthcare programs — but that will likely be blocked by elected Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin. In Texas, the GOP-led government is working to block migrants that are being welcomed by Biden’s federal agencies.
In Georgia, the HB 999 bill is a school-choice bill that would quietly provide state K-12 education funds to illegal migrants.
Advocates are rushing to pass the bill during the state’s legislature 40-day session, which ends April 4.
The HB 999 bill would send $6,000 per child into a “consumer-directed account” for private-school tuition, allowing many parents to keep their kids out of the federal K-12 pro-diversity schools. But the bill has no requirement excluding illegal immigrants. The bill is sponsored by GOP Reps. Wes Cantrell (Ga-22), Kasey Carpenter (Ga-4), Heath Clark (Ga-147), and several Democratic legislators, according to an article on King’s website,
The bill was pushed January 28 by radio host Eric Erickson as a GOP outreach to non-white voters:
Jeb Bush’s education reforms … included robust school reforms and school choice initiatives … and [so] black families and Hispanic families shifted towards the Republican Party in the polling. So pretty big deal, and it’s insane for the GOP nationwide not to realize [if] you give parents the choice — particularly now in the the coronavirus situation — … you give parents essentially an entitlement and then dare the Democrats to take it back. The latest state to advance this is the state of Georgia. House Bill 999 — Wes Cantrell, state representative — put has put together, get this, pay attention to this, a bipartisan, multiracial coalition. Black and white, male and female, Democratic Republican.
Erickson — who opposed Donald Trump in 2016 — invited King to comment on the bill. King said:
A lot of people will support “school choice.” Most people here in Georgia are not going to support the contents of the bill that allow direct payments from the state to accounts set up for illegal alien students, to be distributed by illegal alien parents, who are also given an opportunity to have oversight into compliance with this law. So it needs a lot of tweaks… the rest here
By D.A. King
I know a lot of very arrogant people. I try to stay away from them as much as possible.
I first learned of Ga Star News in a very slanted “news” piece in the Democrat AJC – they used Media Matters as a source. We assume the SPLC & ADL were busy that day. It was bad enough that I took the time to record it and comment on my blog. No good deed goes unpunished.
I first spoke to John Fredericks about eighteen months or so ago when I was trying to buy an ad on GA Star News and also asked if he would accept OPED submissions from an experienced expert on immigration politics in Georgia. I told him about the defense I had offered on the AJC hit. I sent him an OPED but never heard back.
Later in that same month I called to ask about the submission and buying an ad. I had asked supporters for donations to buy the advertisement space. This character hung up on me in a business phone conversation while I was trying to spend $700 on ad space on the Ga Star News site. There is more.
Fredericks seems to have conflicting opinions on illegal immigration. Most pro-enforcement conservatives I know don’t condone or accept illegal aliens getting drivers licenses to “get to their jobs…” Maybe I mis-understood him one of the two times I have ever heard him on the air. You be the judge.
Below is the audio from earlier this month of Fredericks interviewing my friend state Rep Charlice Byrd about an election integrity bill (HB 228) we are struggling to get to a committee hearing. I don’t think Fredericks understands the legislation.
By D.A. King
Refundable wire transfer fee
Remittances to Mexico alone totaled more than 35 Billion dollars in 2018. That will likely go to $70 billion this year – 2022.
Remittances to Mexico (just one country – and it’s not the nation that sends the most black market labor anymore) in 2021 were over $50 Billion.
Related: A town in Mexico survives entirely on money sent back by migrants to the U.S.
The breakdown by state shows that in 2018, Mexico was sent a little over $1 Billion from Georgia. (page 3)
A good (low) estimate until we find solid numbers is that in 2021 just one country’s economy (Mexico) received about $1.4 Billion from Georgia. Much if not most of that money was paid to illegal lalbor and sent directly out of the state and nation before it came anywhere near the GA economy. Pay check/cash payment goes to foreign national then immediately wired/sent out of the state.
This does not touch the fact that Atlanta is the illegal drug terminus of the Southeast and that we don’t know how much money is wired out from that underground economy.
Imagine 2% of that all that money being recouped every year with the same system proven effective in Oklahoma since 2010!
By D.A. King
Contact info for the Georgia delegation in Washington DC here. Just click on their name.
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