We are informed that metro-Atlanta’s Cobb County Republican Party has passed a resolution rebuking Gov. Brian Kemp (R) for his silence on Georgia’s illegal immigration crisis.
“Governor Kemp has betrayed President Trump, pro-enforcement voters, and since becoming Chief Executive has defiantly ignored illegal immigration and his related campaign pledges” goes the Cobb resolution reportedly passed in a special meeting held on Saturday at party headquarters in Marietta. We are told the recent county convention ended before resolutions could be considered – thus Saturday’s special meeting.
The text of the Kemp resolution (see below) sent here by CCRP officials matches the draft we created and distributed in April. We are waiting for a promised signed copy of the document as passed.
Cobb Republicans recently elected new leadership and the organization has apparently undergone a notable change on what is allowed as “an issue.” We applaud the new direction. We are ecstatic that Kemp has been noted for his #BigTruckTrick.
There is more to this story and from what we understand, people to thank include Resolution Committee Chairman Michael Optiz, Resolution Committee member Hugh Norris, Cobb’s Jan Barton and CCRP Chair Salliegh Grubbs. We are hopeful the matter will be part of the upcoming Republican state convention. In answer to the question “on what issue is Georgia’s liberal media happy to assist Republican politicians? – we do not look for much (any) Georgia traditional media coverage of the Cobb resolution.
Republican Brian Kemp lost Cobb County to Stacey Abrams in 2018. According to Migration Policy Institute, Cobb ranks fourth in its population of illegal aliens in Georgia. As the resolution notes, the state is home to more illegal aliens than Arizona. The newly elected Cobb sheriff recently ended the 2007 287(g) agreement with ICE. Kemp was silent. Kemp’s announced Republican primary challengers are as mum on the state crisis as he is.

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