DACA illegal aliens in GA whould pay less college tuition than U.S. citizens and legal immigrants from other states
Candidate for Lt. Governor and current President Pro Tem of the state senate, Sen. Butch Miller Miller, has come out in support of giving the illegal aliens with DACA a lower tuition rate in public colleges than U.S. citizens and legal immigrants from other states.
Thanks to a Twitter post from an elated former GALEOstaffer and illegal alien DACA recipient, Jaime Rangel, who lobbies for FWD.us under the Gold Dome (yes, really) we see a January 7 report from the liberal Gainesville Times with that policy nugget.
The Georgia Chamber of Commerce is also pushing hardf or that action.
Boiled down for those new to the issue, there are about twenty thousand illegal aliens living in Georgia with a deferral on deportation proceedings because they came to the U.S. as “children.” That number could soon zoom up because of Biden’s “ya’ll come!” policy on our southern border.
Currently the University System of Georgia (and the Technical College System of Georgia – TCSG) offers essentially two levels of tuition rates – instate and out of state. For academic year 2020-2021, the average tuition & fees for colleges in Georgia was $4,739 for instate and $17,008 for out-of-state according to experts at collegetuition.com. It’s pretty simple: Georgia residents pay less to attend Georgia’s public universities and Tech colleges than a student from Michigan or Arizona, for example.
The news of Miller’s support comes in the Gainesville Times report “5 issues to watch to watch from Hall County legislators in 2022 session.”… read the rest here.
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