The liberal Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper finally ran a story earlier this month on the fact that Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp made several detailed 2018 campaign promises on “criminal illegals,” sanctuary cities and the creation of a registry of criminal aliens but has not followed up with even a mention, much less action.
We have been pushing this story for years: “Kemp risks defeat by ignoring illegal immigration”
We have set up a counter tracking the days since Kemp made his promises, created not one but two Brian Kemp files, posted letters of outrage from retired immigration agents, tweeted the #BigTruckTrick a gazillion times and created and repeatedly posted several memes in an attempt to make it easier tor Republican voters to remember back two whole years in politics. And that Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than Arizona. And that Georgians are being murdered, raped, kidnapped and molested by the criminal aliens Kemp used to win the GOP primary.
We were happy to draft the Kemp resolution that passed in at least two county GOP meetings.
We don’t think the Democrat AJC really wanted to do this story because it may wake up too many Republican voters. AJC file here (old) and here.

In keeping with its tradition of convincing readers that immigration enforcement – even a crackdown on criminal aliens – is somehow “anti-immigration,” the AJC online headline the evening before the paper version came to our door was “Kemp’s anti-immigration vows could complicate bid for second term.”

There was considerable Twitter notice of the headline that night. The next morning the dead tree edition headline on the same report told us that “Kemp immigration pledge may snarl bid for 2nd term.”

The Greg Bluestein report talks about conservatives who have been pushing back on Kemp’s total silence on his tough talk on illegal immigration in Georgia and his promised legislation. No names were mentioned.
The original online headline was later changed to “Kemp’s immigration policy could complicate bid for second term.”
Pro-enforcement is apparently controversial “policy?”

We don’t see any note of change/edits or correction in any of the stories. But that is normal for the liberal AJC.
This is and has been SOP for the Kevin Riley-led AJC. Is it intentional agenda-driven deceit or woke dimwits at the copy desk?
We think both.
But they never seem to run stories telling readers that MADD is an anti-driving or anti-automobile effort.
We sometimes forget that not everyone knows the anti-enforcement AJC served as dinner Chair for a MALDEF funder here and that the AJC has supported open borders.
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